My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is a reality show that shows the culture and daily lives of "gypsies" and what it is like when they marry. But, in reality the way the culture is represented is incorrect. Their examples of how there are two different cultures that are massed up into one category, which are the Travellers and the Roma. These two groups both originate from different places in the world and within this show it is misrepresented to those who don't know much about the cultures.
Within this show it also showcases how one must be better than everyone else in order to stand out or feel important. And they do this by their extravagant events such as weddings, birthday parties, and baptisms. In the show the viewers are also being able to see the competition between the women of the society through their want of looking better than everyone else. Therefore, enabling that behavior even more and allowing the viewers to believe that's what the cultures represents.
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The people producing the show should be more culturally sensitive and do research about what being gypse really means and the different types of gypses. I feel like the show intentionally has these extravagant events and fights between women in order to cause drama and attract more viewers. It is probably aiming towards the crowd of people who do not know much about the culture and just see the drama that is going on. I actually remember being on youtube and watching a clip from My Big Fat Gypse Wedding that just made me want to watch more because I wanted to know what was going to happen next.